
Activity: Hygienic Kits Distribution to Girls

Program started on: Since two years its ongoing program ended on: Ongoing

(a) Global Grant       (b) Club To Club Grant √        (c) Others   (tick one)

(copy of final report is necessary if TRF grant has been used)

Total cost: NRs. 500,000.00 Club Contribution: NRs. 100,000.00 TRF Contribution ___________

International Partner Club(s): NRs. 200000.00 (RC Deloraine Tasmania, Australia)       Other source: NRs.200000.00 (Dr. Lois Beckwith)

Beneficiary Details:

Hygienic Kit Distribution is our Flagship project and since past two year RC BHADGAON is continuously doing this project by distribution hygienic kits to girls and women’s in remote area school and teaching them why do they need this hygienic kits. All this hygienic kits are related directly with girl’s health on their periodic menstruation and they can continuously go to school on their periodic menstruation and drop out of school rate decreased.

This project also helps in enhancing rotary image because this is social initiative take by Rotary Club of BHADGAON. While doing this project those girls’ students came to know that these Hygenic kits are distributed by Rotary. Those who doesn’t have any idea of rotary also came to know about rotary and they have the perception that Rotary is good for community.

Promotion Of Four- Ways Test (Must Need Theme Of 2016-17)

(a.)  Number of educational institutions                         4 Schools

(b.) Number of business institutions                              2 Municipality, 2 Business institutions

(c.)  Public areas                                                         2 Public Area


Previous Activities

  • Charter Day Ceremony Organized
  • Joint Program Organized on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day 2014
  • Participation On the Occasion of National Children Day 2071
  • Organized Temple Cleaning Program
  • Pam Cancer Screening Camp
  • Swine flue Awareness Campaign
  • One day rafting program