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  • Club ID: 85919

Construction of Rotary Batika

1. Name of the project: Construction of Rotary Batika(garden)
2. Duration of the project(in months -within Rotary year): Jan to April 2015
3. Location of the project: KatunjeVDC Ward no. 2, Bhaktapur, Nepal

4. Background information with justification to implement the project (one or two paragraphs):
Katunje village is a naturally beautiful place of Bhaktapur district. The village is in the urbanization process. SusilaBhairab temple area locates at the center of the village living estimated 5000 people in the area. There is still some land in the vicinity of the temple and social gathering site. As in other places of Kathmandu valley there is a threat of encroachment of the area adjoining the temple and social site. It is therefore there is a need to save the historic land and utilize for public purposes mainly for social purposes. In addition there is no park around village for the recreation and socialization of children. It is therefore it is important to protect and properly utilize the land around the temple site.
In the above pretext Rotary Club of Bhadgaun in collaboration with the Rotary District Governors office, RCC SushilaBhairab and SushilaBhairab Management Committee has wanted to develop garden in the premises of SushilaBhairab site. In addition it will help fulfill the real need of the children and adult to have a place for recreation and socializing in the community. Likewise that will help to make the area better place for all the c visitors and devotees coming from outside the village as well. RCC SushilaBharab along with the SushilaBhairab Management Committee will continuously work for the maintenance and caretaking of the garden ( batika)

5. Beneficiaries of the project (number and target groups): estimated 5000 people
6. Objectives of the project: In bullet points
a. To make a garden/park for healthy and happy life of local people
b. To develop the place for recreation for children and adults
c. To develop the place to welcome outsiders for social purposes
7. Expected results at the end of the project in bullet points
a. Place to achieve peace and recreation is developed
b. A well developed social service site is available for local people
c. A social site put in place for the local and outsiders
8. Modality of implementation: directly implemented by Rotary Clubs and RCC SusilaBhairab

9. Name of the focal personfrom the club: Mr. NishanDhungel
10. Total project cost of the project with breakdown of contributors. Specify if there will be any contributions from the beneficiaries:

Total Cost 190,000/- Rs.

Contribution: Rotary District 3932 Rs. 99,000/- (1000$)

RC Bhadgaon: Rs. 48500/- (500$)