
Get In Touch

Phone 9841318554
  • Club ID: 85919

Rotary International

District 3292

Message FromPresident

Dear Rotary Family and Esteemed Guests,

I am deeply honored and humbled to stand before you as the President of the Rotary Club of Bhadgaun for the Rotary year 2023-2024. This year marks not just a continuation of Rotary's incredible legacy but also a new chapter in our shared journey of service and compassion.

Rotary has always been about people - about communities coming together to make a difference. As I take on this role, I am reminded of the immense responsibility we have, not just to each other as Rotarians, but to every life we touch. Our actions, no matter how small, have the power to transform lives and inspire change.

This year, our focus will be on unity and inclusivity. We will embrace the diversity within our club and community, understanding that it is our differences that make us stronger. Together, we will work tirelessly to address the pressing issues facing our community, from education and healthcare to environmental sustainability and social justice.

I am particularly inspired by the progress Rotary has made in empowering women. It's a testament to our commitment to equality and the understanding that everyone, regardless of gender, has a crucial role to play in building a better world. Let us continue to nurture this spirit of inclusivity, ensuring that every voice is heard and every idea is valued.

I also want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our past leaders, especially Charterd President Mr. Manoj Kumar Kandel, whose guidance and dedication have paved the way for our club's success. Let us build upon their achievements and strive for even greater heights this year.

In the coming months, I urge each one of you to actively participate, to engage, and to contribute. Our collective efforts can achieve remarkable things. Let's dream big, plan meticulously, and act passionately. Together, we can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary and create a lasting impact that will be felt for generations to come.

Thank you for your trust, your support, and your unwavering commitment to Rotary. Let's make this year a shining example of Rotary's motto, "Service Above Self".

Yours in Rotary Service,

Uma Karki President, Rotary Club of Bhadgaun Rotary Year 2023-2024